5 Tips to Handle Your Joint Pain Better

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Tips to Handle Your Joint Pain Better

When it comes to joint pains, Arthritis is the most common one among people. Some of the other common ones being osteoarthritis, strains, gout, and sprains, to name a few. Besides knee pain, many people also complain of hip and shoulder pains. Some doctors believe that the lack of movement in our lifestyles as a result of access to the internet is the main cause these days. You could have watched exercise tutorials online and adopt an active lifestyle, but you chose to binge on movies!

Because the joints form a connection between the bones, any damage to them causes extreme pain. However, staying active is not all that you need to handle joint pain. Here are other tips to help you deal with joint pains better.

Ways to Relieve and Prevent Joint Pain

  1. Ice Therapy
  2. Lose Weight
  3. Physical Therapy
  4. Walking
  5. Strength Training

1. Ice Therapy

Also sometimes referred to as Cryotherapy, ice therapy helps you to reduce joint pain. This is how it works. When you apply ice to a certain area, the cold temperature reduces the blood flow to that particular area. This results in the reduction of tissue swelling. Therefore, the first time that to experience a joint pain that is not very severe, try applying ice to that area. You can buy ice packs for this purpose and apply them to the affected area every hour. The duration of every session should be fifteen minutes. This is a vital therapy for you to relieve the joint pain.

2. Lose Weight

Being obese or overweight can cause more problems for you than you can imagine. Arthritis (a form of joint pain) is just one of them. Your body tends to put a lot of pressure on your knees and other parts when you are over-weight. Please do not put your body parts through this torture. Because they will only end in pain. And a rather severe one. Therefore, it is important that you do not let yourself above a certain weight. Keep a strict check on your weight and adjust accordingly. Because when the body has to carry more than it can handle, wear and tear starts, leading to problems like osteoarthritis.

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3. Physical Therapy

You can also opt for physical therapy to help you reduce the joint pain. But you will have to go to a specialist or a trainer for that. You cannot sit at home and decide on your own as to the type of therapy that will suit your circumstance. You will have to visit a physical therapist who will be able to guide you very well. Here are all the benefits that physical therapy brings about:

  • Stabilization of the joint
  • Improvement in the range of motion
  • Strengthening of the muscles around the joint

The therapist will make use of techniques like ultrasound to treat your joint pain. Other techniques that therapists use to reduce the pain include heat or cold therapy, manipulation, and electrical nerve stimulation. Once you start with the therapy, the therapist will also suggest workout routines like swimming and cycling to you.

4. Walking

Walking can do wonders for you when it comes to managing joint pain. It does not ask you to hire a trainer or spend money on special equipment. You can take a walk in a nearby park anytime that you please. It’s free. Above all, it’s easy on sore joints. Naturally, if you take regular walks, you won’t have to worry about gaining weight. Apart from that, according to researches, people who develop the habit of walking have better feelings about themselves. Not to forget the reduction in stress levels that walk brings about. So, if you adopt this habit, you are not going to have a single but many benefits.

5. Strength Training

Here’s the deal- the stronger your muscles, the less strain is felt by your joints. For this purpose, you will have to hit the gym and indulge in some strength training. And do not let the weights scare you. Because they are good for your muscles and for your joints. Your training would ask of you to experiment with weight machines, resistance bands, and free weights. You do not have to jump straight into the intense sessions. Start from the bottom and gradually challenge your body to deal with more.

Apart from all these, you can also rely on injections or various medications to help you manage your joint pain. But that is not recommended unless the situation is too out of control. Try to avoid medications as much as possible.

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