Category: Health & Wellness

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Tips to Prevent Cavities

Effective Tips to Prevent Cavities and Tooth Decay in Kids

Dental cavities and tooth decay in kids can become nightmares for parents. Poor dental health can lead to poor school performance, mood swings, painful nights, and even behavioral issues in some kids. As a parent, you will have to introduce a stringent dental care regimen for your kids to avoid any painful infections, cavities, and...

Sleep Hacking

The Truth About Sleep Hacking and Success

Sleep is an important part of everyday life. It doesn’t matter what you do or where you live, you will need to sleep at some point during the day. Sleep helps us rest and repairs the damage done to the body during your waking hours. That is why it is common to wake up feeling...

COVID 19 has Affected the On-Demand Economy

The Impact on COVID-19 on the On-Demand Economy

Ever since its inception, the on-demand economy has influenced our lifestyle to a great deal. Most people can relate to this concept which was seen with the launch of the first iPhone in 2007. Then came iTunes, which made it easier for people to listen to their favorite music on-demand. Since then, a lot has changed....